Is It Finally Time to Invest in an AC Replacement?

AC Replacement

The notorious summer heat in Orange, TX, makes it essential to stay on top of any potential problems that your air conditioner may experience. Eventually, despite years of reliable service, the time will come when your AC system can no longer do its job effectively. It’s crucial to recognize when you’ve reached that point so that you can avoid wasting money. Here are three signs it’s probably time to invest in an AC replacement:

Increasingly Frequent Breakdowns

Since it’s impossible to avoid air conditioning malfunctions, the occasional breakdown, while annoying, need not especially worry you. After such an event, HVAC service technicians should be able to repair your system and set it back on the right path. If this doesn’t happen, you may have reason for serious concern.

Repairs should keep your AC system working well for many months. If the air conditioner breaks down only a few weeks later, the cost of such repeated fixes may not be worth paying. Replacing an AC system that continually breaks down can be your best move to avoid increasing air conditioning repair bills.

Soaring Utility Bills

When your AC system works properly, it should maintain high cooling efficiency. If your utility bills suddenly spike, it may mean your AC system’s parts are in poor condition and repairs can’t salvage them.

Age of the Air Conditioner

Lastly, remember that even the finest and most carefully maintained AC system cannot last forever. On average, the useful service life of a central air conditioning system should last about 15 years. Your commitment to giving your system regular professional tuneups and prompt repairs may extend this figure.

Holding on to an old AC system that has outlived its usefulness isn’t smart. Call Sumrall Air Conditioning to ask about our AC replacement services. We can assess your house, recommend the right air conditioner for it and install it correctly.

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